Bulbophyllum barbasapientis J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne 2008 SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913
Photo/TYPE Drawing by © J J Vermeulen
and again
Common Name The Charming? Bearded Bulbophyllum [refers to the lip]
Flower Size .32" [8 mm]
Found in Sulawesi in montane riverine forest at elevations around 1000 meters as a mini-miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with a patent to hanging rhizome with persistent bracts with .28 to .64" [.7 to 1.6 cm] between each ellipsoid to obovoid pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, erect, s dark green, suffused with purplish red, elliptic round to obtuse, narrowing below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the late fall and again in the spring on a porrect, peduncle ca .16" [.4 cm] long, provided with 3 bracts, raceme .52" [1.3 cm] long overall, single flowered inflorescence with a tubular acute, shorter than the ovary floral bract and carrying wide opening flowers with the sepals and lip purplish red, the petals white with the tips of the filaments yellow and a pale greenish column.
" While fitting perfectly into SECTION Epicranthes (Bl.) Hook.f. 1883 in most aspects, B. barbasapientis is included in SECTION Schistopetalum Schlechter 1913 because the appendages on the petals have the same texture as the petal itself. In sect. Epicranthes the appendages have a texture differing from that of the petal. The configuration of the keels on the lip in B. barbasapientis is typical for sect. Schistopetalum; in section Epicranthes a similar but less distinct structure occurs. Within section Schistopetalum, B. barbasapientis combines the lip shape of B. schistopetalum Schltr with the short sepals of B. fissipetalum Schltr. It differs from all species so far attributed to sect. Schistopetalum by its short stelidia (as in sect. Epicranthes). B. barbasapientis is a morphological link between section Epicranthes and section Schistopetalum. The latter includes species with a more or less pendulous rhizome (as in section Epicranthes) as well as species with a creeping rhizome. The petals are deeply divided (as in sect. Epicranthes) in most species, but with only 3 short appendages in B. trigonidioides J.J. Sm., and with a single caudate tip in B. filamentosum Schltr. Species like B. hassalii Kores, B. distichobulbum Cribb, and B. aristopetalum Kores, make complete the morphological grading of section Epicranthes into the genus Bulbophyllum in a wide sense." J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne 2008
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Gard. Bull. Singapore 60:150 fig 32 J.J.Verm. & P.O'Byrne 2008 drawing fide; Bulbophyllum of Sulawesi Vermeullen & O'Byrne 2011 drawing/photo fide