Bulbophyllum resupinatum Ridley 1887
SECTION Megaclinium G A Fischer & J J Verm in prep.
Photos by © Francisco Perez-vera
Photos by © Rogier Van Vugt and his P base Orchid Photo Website
Photos courtesy of Tien Pham
Common Name The Resupinate Bulbophyllum
Flower Size
Found in Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Sao Tome, Sierra Leone and Zaire in lowland forests and submontane forest as a miniature sized, hot to warm growing epiphyte with ovoid or ellipsoid pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, oblong to lanceolate, leathery leaves and blooms in the winter and spring on an erect or pendant, sometime flattened below each flower and slightly fractiflex, 1 to 16" [2.5 to 40 cm] long, several to many flowered inflorescence with distichous flowers
The featured species photos are of the variety filiforme
Synonyms *Bulbophyllum filiforme Kraenzl. 1895; Bulbophyllum resupinatum var. filiforme (Kraenzl.) J.J.Verm. 1986
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchid Monographs Vol 2 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Continental African Bulbophyllinae Vermeullen 1987 photo/drawing fide; Orchid Monographs Vol 2 - A Taxonomic Revision of the Continental African Bulbophyllinae Vermeullen 1987 as B resupinatum var filiformedrawing fide; African Orchids in the Wild and Cultivation La Croix 1997; Bulbophyllums and Their Allies Seigerist 2001 as B filiforme; Les Orchidees de Cote d'Ivorie Perez-Vera 2003 as B daloaense photo/drawing fide; Les Orchidees de Cote d'Ivorie Perez-Vera 2003 photo/drawing fide; Les Orchidees de Cote d'Ivorie Perez-Vera 2003 as B victorisphoto/drawing fide; Orchidaceae Of West Central Africa Vol 2 Szlachetko, Ejsmont, Baranow, Grochocka, Nowak, Margonska and Naczk 2015 drawing fide; Orchidaceae Of West Central Africa Vol 2 Szlachetko, Ejsmont, Baranow, Grochocka, Nowak, Margonska and Naczk 2015 as B resupinatum var filiforme