Caladenia dilatata R.Br. 1810 SUBGENUS Arachnorchis
Another Flower Aspect Photo by Colin Rowan and his Retired Aussies Website
Common Name The Green-comb Spider Orchid
Flower Size 2" [5 cm]
Found in high rainfall, coastal and hinterland areas of New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, at elevations of 5 to 500 meters in heathlands and coastal scrub as a medium sized, cold growing terrestrial orchid with 2 round tubers giving rise to a pilose stem carrying a basal, linear, bilobed apically conduplicate below leaf and another 2 smaller ones at the middle and above that blooms in the later spring through early summer in Australia on an erect, to 16" [40 cm] tall, single flowered inflorescence
Synonyms Arachnorchis dilatata (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem. 2001; Caladenia corynepetala D.L.Jones 1991; Caladenia patersonii var. dilatata (R.Br.) Benth. 1873; Caladenia simulans G.W.Carr 1991; Calonema dilatatum (R.Br.) Szlach. 2001; Calonemorchis dilatata (R.Br.) Szlach. 2001;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; AOS Bulletin Vol 35 No 4 1966; Orchids of Australia Nicholls 1969 drawing fide; Genera Orchidacearum Vol 2 Part One Pridgeon, Cribb, Chase and Rasmussen 2001 photo fide; Orchids of Australia Riley & Banks 2002; Native Orchids of Australia Jones 2006 as Arachnorchis dilatata photo fide