Cattleya harrisoniana Bateman ex Lindley 1836 SUBGENUS Intermedia [Cogn.] Withner 1989
Photo by © Lourens Grobler
Photos by © Dale and Deni Borders.
Photo by © L C Menezes
Photo by © Patricia Harding.
Photo by © E Schnurr
Drawing by © Paxton
Common Name Harrison's Cattleya [English Orchid Enthusiast 1800's]
Flower Size 4.5" [11.25 cm]
Found in Espirito Santo state of Brazil in humid swampy areas on bushes as a epiphytic or lithophytic, cool to warm growing species with subclavate, laterally compressed pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, narrowly elliptic to obovate leaves that blooms in the late summer on a terminal, short to 4" [to 10 cm], few to several [2 to 6] flowered inflorescence subtended by a green sheath carrying fragrant floral scented , long-lived, waxy flowers.
This species and C loddigesii are very similar yet C harrisoniana differs in having darker and unscented flowers.
This species needs ample water, warmth and light while growing and a good rest after maturity.
Synonyms Cattleya brownii Rolfe 1894; Cattleya candida F.N.Williams 1851; Cattleya harrisoniae Batem. 1838; Cattleya harrisoniae Paxt 1838; Cattleya harrisoniana f. alba (Beer) M.Wolff & O.Gruss 2007; Cattleya harrisoniana var. alba Beer 1854; Cattleya harrisonii P.N.Don 1840; Cattleya loddigesii var. harrisoniana Lindley 1887; Cattleya papeinsiana C. Morr. 1845;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Edwards's Bot. Reg. 22: t. 1919 Bateman ex Lindl. 1836
Paxton's Mag. Bot. 4: 247 Paxton 1838 as C harrisoniae;
Paxton's Mag. Bot. 4: 247 Paxton 1838 as C harrisoniae drawing fide;
Hort. Universel 2: 128, 197 Drapiez 1840 as C concolor;
Fl. Journ. 1840: 183 D Don 1840 as C harrisonii;
Ann. Soc. Roy. Agric. Gand 1: 57 C Morren 1845 as C papeiansiana;
Prakt. Stud. Orchid.: 211 Beer 1854 as C harrisoniana var alba;
Xenia Orchidaceae 2:31 Rchb.f 1862 as Epidendrum harrisonianum;
L'orchidophile; Traité Théor. & Prat.: 239 F Buyss. 1878
L'orchidophile; Traité Théor. & Prat.: 239 F Buyss. 1878as C harrisoniana var violacea;
Man. Orchid. Pl. 2: 42 A H Kent 1887 as C loddigesii var harrisoniae;
Bull. Misc. Inform. Kew 1894: 156 Rolfe 1894 as C brownii;
Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915 as C harrisoniae;
Atlas des Orchidees Cultivees Constantin 1920 as C loddigesii var harrisoniae drawing fide;
Orchids of Malaya Holttum 1957;
AOS Bulletin Vol 27 # 9 1958 drawing ok;
Orchid Digest Vol 23 #5 1959 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 33 No 3 1964 photo;
Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as C brownii;
Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965 as C loddigesii var harrisoniana;
AOS Bulletin Vol 35 No 10 1966;
AOS Bulletin Vol 39 No 5 1970;
Orchid Digest Vol 38 no 6 1974 photo fide;
Orchidaceae Brasilienses Pabst & Dungs Band I 1975 as C brownii drawing fide;
Orchidaceae Brasilienses Pabst & Dungs Band I 1975 drawing fide;
Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 10 576 - 632 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1977 as C loddigesii var harrisoniana drawing fide;
The Brazilian Bifoliate Cattleyas and Their Color Variations Fowlie 1977;
Orquideologia Vol 15 #1 Luer & Escobar 1981;
Growing Orchids Vol 2 Rentoul 1982;
Orchid Digest Vol 47 No 3 1983 photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 47 No 3 1983 as C harrisoniana var alba photo fide;
AOS Bulletin vol 53 no 7 1984 as C loddigesii var harrisoniana photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 53 No 10 1984 photo as C loddigesii var harrisoniana photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 54 No 10 1985 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 54 No 10 1985 as C harrisoniana var alba photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 55 No 7 1986 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 57 #1 1988 photo fide;
The Catttleya and their Relatives Withner Vol 1 1988 photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 56 No 2 1992 photo fide;
Orchids of Brazil McQueen 1993 photo fide;
Manual of Orchids Stewart 1995;
Orchid Digest Vol 61 #3 1997 photo fide;
Orquidologia Sul-Amer.: 101 F.Barros & J.A.N.Bat. 2004 as C harrisoniana f alba
AOS Bulletin Vol 74 No 7 2005 photo;
The World's Most Beautiful Orchids Allikas & Nash 2005 photo fide;
The Organ Mountain Range Its History and its Orchids Miller, Warren, Miller and Seehauer 2008 drawing/photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 73 #2 2009 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 78 #4 2009 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 78 #6 2009 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin vol 78 No 7 2009 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 80 #9 2011 photo fide;
Orchidees Du Bresil As Orchideas da Serra Do Castello Vol 3 Chiron & Bolsanello 2013 drawing/photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 79 #4 2015 photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 80 #2 2016;
AOS Bulletin Vol 85 #12 2016 photo fide;
Orchid Digest Vol 81 #2 2017 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 86 #4 2017 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 86 #6 2017 photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 86 # 7 2017 as C harrisoniana f alba photo fide;
AOS Bulletin Vol 86 #8 2017 photo fide;