Cheirostylis glandulifera (Aver.) J.M.H.Shaw 2014

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Photo/TYPE Drawing by © Susanna Stuart-Smith


Common Name The Gland Carrying Cheirostylis [refers to the peculiar capitate glands inside the hypochile]

Flower Size .36 to .4" [9 to 10 mm] long,

Found in northern Vietnam in primary broad-leaved closed wet forest on very steep rocky slopes and cliffs of low remnant mountains in mossy wet decaying log-timber in humid, shady, rocky valley of small stream composed with highly eroded solid marble-like limestone at elevations of 400 to 500 meters as a miniature sized thot growing terrestrial or lithophyte with a creeping rhizome giving rise to an ascending, basally leafy, 3 to 4 sterile bracts above stem carrying 2 to 4, thick, slightly succulent, concolorglossy green, with an indistinct reticulation of dark green nerves, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the mid winter on a terminal, erect, 2" [5 cm] long, densely tomentose with soft simple hairs, laxly 1 to 2? flowered inflorescence with white, subhyaline, 3 light green nerved, longer than the ovary floral bracts.

Synonyms *Hayata glandulifera Aver. 2009

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Taiwania, 54(4): 311-316, 2009 Hayata glandulifera (Orchidaceae), New Genus and Species From Northern Vietnam Averyanov 2009 drawing/photo fide

