Cleistes abdita G.A.Romero & Carnevali 2009

Lip and Column detail Photos by © Ivan Mikolji and his Flickr Nature Photography Website

Common Name The ? Cleistes

Flower Size 3 1/4" [8 cm]

Found in Bolivar state of the northern Amazonas of Venezuela at elevations of 80 to 90 meters as a medium to large sized, hot growing terrestrial with solitary unbranched leafy stems that continue to grow after flowering and can reflower in the next season 2 to 3 times and carry grey-blue green, lanceolate, shortly pilose dorsally, acute, subfleshy, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the winter and spring on a a terminal, 1 to 3 flowered, successive, short inflorescence.

Said to be a synonym of C rosea

Synonyms Cleistes rosea f. pallida Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 77: 549 Carnevali & I.Ramírez 1990 as Cleistes rosea forma pallida drawing fide
