Coelogyne chrysotropis Schltr. 1911 SECTION Fulginosae

Side View of Flower Photos by © Shiva Ramli and The Wild Orchids of Sumatra Website

TYPE Drawing Drawing by © Schlechter and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz herbaria Website

Part shade Warm Winter

Common Name or Meaning The Golden Keel Coelogyne

Flower Size 1.5" [3.75 cm]

Found in northeastern Sumatra at eleavtions around 600 meters as asmall sized, warm growing epiphyte with a long, creeping, branching rhizome giving rise to cylindrical to conical, furrowed apically pseudobulbs carrying 2, apical, thin, elliptic, shortly acuminate, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in the winter on an erect, arising with the leaves, 2.4 to 3" [6 to 7.5 cm] long, successively 2 to 3, few flowered inflorescence with deciduous, elliptic, longer than the ovary floral bracts.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of Sumatra J J Comber 2001 drawing fide; Les Coelogynes E & J George 2011 photo fide;
