Coelogyne velutina de Vogel 1992 SECTION Tomentosae Pfitzer Photo by © Art Vogel

Another Flower

Plant and Flower Photos courtesy of Peter Bryder

Part shade WarmCoolLATEWinterEARLYSpring

Common Name The Velvety Coelogyne [Refers to the rachis and ovary]

Flower Size 2.6" [6.5 cm]

Found in Thailand and penninsular Malaysia in lower montane forests at elevations of 900 to 1950 meters on trees and shrubs as a medium sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte or lithophyte with close set, more or less ovoid pseudobulbs carrying 2, often quite stiff, elliptic to obovate, acuminate, plicate, 5 to 7 nerved, gradually narrowing below into the elongate petiolate base leaves that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a pendulous, very densely, red brown hairy, 9.2 to 23.6" [23 to 59 cm] long, 12 to 26 flowered inflorescence arising on a mature pseudobulb with persistent floral bracts and simultaneously opening flowers

Synonyms Coelogyne tomentosa var. penangensis Hook.f. 1890

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchid Monographs Vol 6 de Vogel 1992 drawing/Photo fide; The Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia and Singapore Seidenfaden & Wood 1992; The Genus Coelogyne A Synopsis, D A Clayton 2002 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 73 No 3 2004; Les Coelogynes E & J George 2011 photo fide
