Crossoglossa dalessandroi (Dodson) Dodson 1993

Drawing by © Dodson and Icones Plantarum Tropicarum Plate 519 1989


Common Name Dalessandro's Crossoglossa [American Orchid Nurseryman current]

Flower Size .24" [6 mm]

Found in Loja province of Ecuador in dry montane cloud forests at elevations around 2000 to 2100 meters as a small sized, cold growing terrestrial with a caulescent, recumbent stem enveloped by distichous, imbricating foliaceous leaf sheaths carrying narrowly elliptic, obtuse, narrowing below into the subpetiolate base leaves that blooms in the later winter through summer on a terminal, peduncle to 2.8" [7 cm] long, rachis to 4.8" [12 cm] long, densely spirally arranged, many flowered inflorescence with triangular floral bracts and carrying resupinate, green flowers with a white lip.

Distinguished by the pandurate lip more than .24" [6mm] long, and the much broader lip toward the apex than at the base.

"Ormerod [2014] found several discrepancies between the typ and the published figure by Doson used here. The main differences are the lip that has papillose-ciliate margins, densely papilloose aiuricles and a short stout gymnostemium." Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023

Synonyms *Malaxis dalessandroi Dodson 1989

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Icones Plantarumm Tropicarum Plate Ser. 2,6:t 519 Dodson 1989 as Malaxis dalessandroi drawing fide;

*Native Ecuadorian Orchids 1: 149 Dodson 1993 drawing fide;

Flora of Ecuador 225 [2] Orchidaceae AA - Cyrtidiorchis Dodson & Luer 2005;

Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:62 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide

