Crossoglossa nanegalensis Dodson ex Dodson 1995

Photo by © Alex Hirtz

TYPE Drawing

Drawing by © Dodson and The Epidendra Website


Common Name The Nanegal Crossoglossa [A region of Pichincha department of Ecuador]

Flower Size .16" [4 mm]

Found in Pichincha Ecuador at elevations around 1700 to 2400 meters as a small sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial with caulescent, recumbent to erect stems enveloped by imbricating, distichous leaf sheaths carrying membraneous, elliptic, acuminate, narrowing below into the long-petiolate base leaves that blooms in the summer and fall on a terminal, elongate, peduncle to 5.2" [13 cm] long, rachis to 12" [30 cm] long, recurved apically, spirally arranged, many flowered inflorescence with awl-shaped, entire margin floral bracts and carrying yellow green flowers.

Distinguished by the nodding apex of the inflorescence, the pandurate lip longer than .28" [7mm], the truncate apex, and saggitate base, with entire margins, the shallow longitudinal keel down the center of the lip, and the lack of a bassl callus.

Synonyms Crossoglossa nanegalensis Dodson 1993 nom inval.

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Icones Plantarum Tropicarum Plate 523 Dodson 1989 as Malaxis lloensis drawing fide;

Orquideologia 19: 88 Dodson 1993 nom inval;

*Lindleyana 10(1): 3. Dodson ex Dodson 1995;

Flora of Ecuador 225 [2] Orchidaceae AA - Cyrtidiorchis Dodson & Luer 2005;

