!Cyanaeorchis arundinae (Rchb. f.) Barb. Rodr. 1877

Plant and Flower in situ Photo by Dalton Holland Baptista


Common Name The Reed-Like Cyanaeorchis

Flower Size to 2.2" [to 5.5 cm]

Found in Minas Gerais, Sao Paulo, Rio de Janiero, Parana and Rio Grande do Sul states of Brazil at elevations around 1000 meters as a medium sized, cool growing terrestrial in sloping meadows prone to seasonal flooding with an erect stem enveloped by several, elongate, tubular, acuminate sheaths and carrying 2, stem clasping, plicate, conduplicate, acute, acuminate, linear leaves that blooms in the late spring in nature on an erect, terminal, 16 to 24" [40 to 60 cm] long, few to several [2 to 8], successively single flowered inflorescence.

This orchid emerges anew each year to produce a new stem and leaves and at maturity sets flowers and then seed only to die back and disappear until the next years new growth.

Synonyms Cyrtopodium yauaperyense Krnzl. 1911; *Eulophia arundinae Rchb. f. 1849; Graphorchis arundinae (Rchb.f.) Kuntze 1891; Lichterveldia lindleyi Lem. 1855; Odontoglossum citrosmum Lindley 1842; Odontoglossum pendulum [La Llave & Lex.] Batem. 1888; Oncidium citrosmum [Lindley]Beer 1854; Oncidium galeottianum Drap. ?

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen Schlechter 1915; Flora Brasilica Vol XII VI Hoehne 1942 drawing fide; Iconografia de Orchidaceae Do Brasil Hoehne 1949 drawing fide; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 23 1393 - 1456 Brieger 1990 drawing fide; Schlechteriana Vol 4 No 1/2 1993 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 67 No 10 1998 photo fide; Orchids of The Brazilian Central Plateau Menezes 2004 photo fide; Orchid Digest Vol 78 #2 2014 photo fide;
