Cyclopogon iguapensis Schltr.1922 Photo by © Dalton Holland Baptista © and Orchidstudium

Full Shade Cool Cold MIDWinter

Common Name The Iguape Cyclopogon [A city in coastal Sao Paulo Brazil]

Flower Size .25" [6.2 mm]

Found in Sao Paulo state of Brazil in deep shade in primitive forests often in gullies and sunless narrow valleys at elevations around 1000 to 1400 meters as a medium sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial orchid with 5 to 6, sequential, dark green, oblanceolate, acute, deeply keeled, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaves that blooms in mid winter on a terminal, erect, to 28" [to 70 cm] long, 25 to 30 flowered, racemose inflorescence holding the flowers in an apical cone.

Synonyms Beadlea iguapensis (Schltr.) Garay 1980 publ. 1982

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Vol XII II 13-43 Hoehne 1945 drawing fide; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing fide; Orchids of the High Mountain Atlantic Rainforest in SE Brazil Warren & Miller 1994 drwawing good/ photo ok; The Organ Mountain Range, ite History and its Orchids Miller, Warren, Miller and Seehawer 2008 drawing/photo fide
