Cyclopogon venustus (Barb.Rodr.) Schltr. 1920 Drawing by © Pabst and Dungs and Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 1975

Deep Shade

Common Name or Meaning The Beautiful Cyclopogon

Flower Size .2" [5 mm]

Found in Rio de Janiero and Disticto Federal states of Brazil as a terrestrial with a single basal, membraneous, erect, ovate, abruptly acute, rounded to subtruncate below intot he somewhat petioalte base leaf that blooms on a terminal, erect, peduncwel with 6 to 8, adpressed, long-acuminate, slightly puberulent, whitish with green spots bracts, rachis to 1.2" [3 cm] long, 5 to 8 flowered inflroescnece with linear-lanceolate, acute to long acuminate, shorter than the flowers floral bracts and carrying filiform, short pedicelate, small flowers.

Synonyms Beadlea venusta (Barb.Rodr.) Garay 1980 publ. 1982; *Stenorrhynchos venustum Barb.Rodr. 1901; Stigmatosema venustum (Barb.Rodr.) Mytnik, Rutk. & Szlach. 2006

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Vol XII II 1343 Hoehne 1945; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing fide;
