Cymbidium repens Aver. & Q.T.Phan 2016 SECTION Repens
TYPE Photos by Averyanov © and Taiwania 61(4):319-354 November 2016, New Species of Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam Averyanov, Nong, Nguyen and Truong
Common Name or Meaning The Repent Cymbidium [refers to the creeping rhizomatous plant without pseudobulbs]
Flower Size 1.6 to 2" [3.5 to 5 cm]
Found in northern Vietnam in primary and old secondary broad-leaved evergreen forests on rocky karstic limestone at elevations around 400 to 600 meters as small sized, hot to warm growing, epiphytic vine with simple to few branching, semi-woody, plagiotropic rhizome giving rise to distant 4 to 10" [10 to 25 cm] apart, not swelling, erect stems basally enveloped by 3 to 7 imbricate, cuneate, conduplicate cataphyls, and carrying above, sessile, imbricate, distichous, coriaceous, linear, arcuate, tapering into the acute apex, conduplicate below intothe base leaves that blooms in the later summer and early fall on an erect, basal, peduncle light green, 3.2 to 5.6" [8 to 14 cm] long, enveloped by 5 to 8, cymbiform, cylindrical basae, spreading above, acute, whitish, scarious bracts, rachis [18 to 30 cm] long, spirally arranged, 12 to 25 flowered inflorescence with light green, narrowly triangular, acute to acuminate, as long to longer than the ovary floral bracts and carrying widely opening
"It has no swelling pseudobulbous stems and grows as a short creeping vine on vertical trunks of Livistona chinensis (Jacq.) Mart. The species has no obvious relations among its congeners and certainly desires segregation in rank of a separate section or subgenus." Averyanov 2016
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Taiwania 61(4):319-354 November 2016, New Species of Orchids (Orchidaceae) in the Flora of Vietnam Averyanov, Nong, Nguyen and Truong 2016 photo fide;