Cymbidium sigmoideum J.J.Sm. 1907 SECTION Cyperorchis Hunt 1970
Photo by © Neoh Cheow Ching and his Public Picasa Web Gallery
Another Flower showing coiled lip
Photo by © J B Comber and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria
Common Name The "S" Shaped Cymbidium [refers to the lip]
Flower Size 1.4 to 1.8" [3.5 to 4.5 cm]
Found in Malaysia, Borneo, Java and Sumatra in cooler lower montane forests in moss cushion low on tree trunks near the forest floor often in deep shade at elevations of 800 to 1700 as a large sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with stem-like, not inflated, inconspicuous pseudobulbs enveloped completely by leaf bases and carrying 9 to 12, linear-obovate, acute, articulated 2 to 3.2" [5 to 8 cm] from the pseudobulb that blooms sporadically throughout the year on a basal, horizontal to pendulous, 10 to 29.5 [25 to 83 cm] long, 4 to 23 flowered, purple inflorescence enveloped by 9 to 10, imbricate, cymbiform, acute bracts and has ovate to triangular, acute floral bracts and carrying waxy flowers
Synonyms Cymbidium kinabaluense K.M.Wong & C.L.Chan 1993; Cyperorchis sigmoidea (J.J.Sm.) J.J.Sm.1927
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchid Digest Vol 44 No 4 1980 photo ok; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 25 1520 - 1584 Brieger 1991; A Checklist of the Orchids of Borneo Wood & Cribb 1994 drawing ok; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 44-45 pg 2763 - 2898 Brieger 2001 as C kinabaluensis; Orchids of Borneo Wood Vol 4 2003 as C kinabulense drawing/photo fide; The Genus Cymbidium Du Puy & Cribb 2007 photo fide; Gard. Bull. Singapore 60: 40 Jutta & Ong & Phoon 2008 photo fide; Wild Orchids of the Cameron Highlands REACH 2009 photo fide; The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 1 Wood, Beaman, Lamb, Chu Lun and Beaman 2011 drawing/photo fide; The Orchids of Mount Kinabalu Vol 2 Wood, Beaman, Lamb, Chu Lun and Beaman 2011; Wild Orchids of Penninsular Malaysia Ong, O'Byrne, Yong & Saw 2011 photo fide; LANKESTERIANA 20(2): 67–216. Ossenbach & Jenny 2020 photos fide