Cynorkis gabonensis Summerh. 1938 SECTION Parviflorae

Drawing by © Summerhayes and The Kew Royal Botanical Garden Website

Part ShadeLATE Winter Spring

Common Name The Gabon Cynorkis

Flower Size

Found in Cameroon, the Gulf of Guinea Island and Gabon at elevations of of 600 to 1800 meters as a miniature sized, cool growing terrestrial with an erect, delicate, glabrous leaves that blooms on an erect, terminal, ,4 to 1.2" [1 to 3 cm] long, 5 to 20 flowered inflorescence with ovate-lanceolate, acute, scarious, semi-transparent floral bracts .

Synonyms Bicornella gabonensis (Summerh.) Szlach. & Kras 2006

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flore du Gabon Vol 36 Szlachetko etal 2004 drawing fide; Orchidaceae of West Central Africa Vol 1 Szlatchecko etal 2010 as Bicornella gabonensis drawing fide

