Cynorkis mammuthus Hermans & P.J.Cribb 2017 SECTION Cynorkis H rehydrated flower, rather compressed laterally; J glandular hairs from outer surface of dorsal sepal; K indumentum from ovary surface; L dorsal sepal; M petal; N lateral sepal; P labellum; Q column and ovary; R spur; S floral bract; T detail of column. From Hermans 2699; H – K from herbarium sheet, L – T after J. Hermans drawings. Drawing by © Andrew Brown and

Kew Bull (2017) 72: 38.


Common Name The Mammothh-Like Cynorchis

Flower Size 1 to 1.4" [2.5 to 3.5 cm]

Found in northern Madagascar from an unknown habitat as a terrestrial or lithophyte? without plant details, only known from a partial inflorescence with a 6" [15 cm] long rachis, racemose, to 11 flowered spathe with funnel-shaped, serrate hirsute margins, acuminate, apicaulte apically, 1/3 the length of the ovary floral bracts occuring in the mid summer.

"This enigmatic new species is known from two dried inflorescences only; the first from a herbarium sheet of flowers collected in 1994 as Cynorkis uniflora Lindl. (Lindley 1835: 331) by a Malagasy orchid nursery and a second collection from 1942 in the Paris Herbarium (P), last seen about 10 years ago and currently only known from a photographic record. The latter specimen, originally from the ‘Herbier du Jardin Botanique Tananarivo Madagascar’, was identified as C. gigas Schltr. but annotated by Jean Bosser as ‘not C. gigas, nothing to do with this species’." Hermans, J., Andriantiana, J.L., Sieder, A. et al. Kew Bull (2017) 72: 38. drawing fide


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Hermans, J., Andriantiana, J.L., Sieder, A. et al. Kew Bull (2017) 72: 38. drawing fide

