Cynorkis peyrotii Bosser 1969 SECTION Parviflorae [syn Hemiperis]

Photo by © David Romer Rabarijaona and The Natusfera Website

Plant and flowers

Flower Closeup Photos courtesy of Olaf Pronk Laurette E.U.R.L. orchids of Madagascar

Common Name Peyrot's Cynorchis [French Botanist in Madagascar 1900's]

Flower Size .12" [3 mm]

Found in central Madagascar in humid, evergreen forests of on mossy and lichen covered trees at elevations around 1000 to 1500 meters as a miniature sized, cool growing epiphyte with a short stem carrying a few, dark green, reticulated with silver white, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, attenuate basally leaves that blooms in the winter on a terminal, 4 to 6" [10 to 15 cm] long, pilose, dark green speckled purple, 3 to 15 flowered infloresence.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; AOS Bulletin Vol 74 No 11 2005 photo fide; Orchids of Madagascar Hermans 2007 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 78 #3 2009 photo fide; Field Guide to the Orchids of Madagascar Cribb & Herman 2009 photo fide; Les Orchidees de Madagascar Bosser & Lecoufle 2015 drawing/photo fide; A la Recherche des Orchidees de Madagascar Hervouet 2018 photo fide;

