Cynorkis siederi Hermans & Andriant. 2017 Photo by © ANTON SIEDER and

Kew Bull (2017) 72: 38.


Common Name Sieder's Cynorchis [Austrian Botanical Gardens, University of Vienna and discoverer of new species current]

Flower Size .56 to .64" [1.4 to 1.6 cm]

Found in northern Madagascar in water seepage areas on basement basalt rock, amongst large rocks in crevices and shallow pockets of humus and other detritus in seasonally very dry forest remnants within grassland, around 600 meters as a small sized, warm growing terrestrial with 1 to 2, elongate, wooly tubers giving rise to a very short stem enveloped by a thin, greenish-brown, scarious sheath and carrying a single, almost erect, radical, somewhat fleshy, shiny above, conduplicate, long-lanceolate, acuminate leaf that blooms in the early summer on an erect, emerging from the leaf axil, green, glabrous, peduncle provided with a long, leaf-like, lanceolate-subulate sheath 1.6" [4 cm] above the leaf base, another about half way up but shorter, 7.6" [19 cm] long, rachis subumbellate, to 5 flowered inflorescence with green, ovate-lanceolate, half as long as the ovary floral bracts.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Hermans, J., Andriantiana, J.L., Sieder, A. et al. Kew Bull (2017) 72: 38. photo/drawing fide

