Cypripedium bardolphianum W.W. Sm. & Farrer 1916 SECTION Trigonopedia
Photo by © Eric Hunt
Common Name Bardolph's Cypripedium [Character in Shakespere's Henry V] - In China Wu Bao Shao Lan
Flower Size 1/2" to 7/8" [1.5 to 2.2 cm]
Found in Gansu, Sichuan, Yunnan provinces of China and eastern Tibet in gorges behind Siku, in sunny glades and mossy woodland soil of the forest zone at elevations of 2300 to 3900 meters as a miniature sized, cold growing terrestrial withan erect, relatively short, glabrous stem enveloped by 2 basal sheaths and carrying 2, horizontally spreading to ascending, elliptic, subglabrous, clear green sparsely spotted with dark purole, 3 nerved, obtuse to subacute leaves that blooms in the late spring and early summer on a terminal, short to 1.5" [3.75 cm] long, single flowered inflorescence with no floral bract.
Synonyms Cypripedium nutans Schltr. 1924
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Die Orchideen #4 13-16 tafel 5 Rudolph Schlechter 1971 as C nutans photo ok; Wild Orchids of China Tsi, Chen Mori 1997; Native Orchids of China in Colour Singchi, Zhanhuo and Yibo 1999 photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 40 pg 2492 - 2564 Brieger 2000; Australian Orchid Review Vol 72 No 6 12/07-1/08; AOS Bulletin Vol 78 No 5 2009 photo fide; A Field Guide to the Orchids of China Singchi, Zhongjian, Yibo, Xiaohua and Zhanhuo 2009 photo not may be C sichuanianum; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; Flora of China Vol 25 Illustrations Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2010 drawing fide; Orchids of Huanglong Perner, Tang Si-Yuan 2007 photos fide;