Cyrtochilum matangense (Bockemühl) Dalström 2001 SECTION Angustatium Photo by © Alexander Hirtz

Part SunCold Spring

Common Name The Matanga Cyrtochilum [refers to the Matanga Cordillera, a mountain range within Ecuador]

Flower Size 1.6" [4 cm]

Found in Loja Ecuador in montane cloud forests at elevations around 2900 to 3400 meters as a medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with caespitose, oblong-ovoid pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 4 to 7 distichous sheaths with the uppermost leafbearing and carrying 1 to 2, apical, elliptic, conduplicate below into the petilolate base leaves that blooms in the spring on an axillary, erect to suberect, 5' [150 cm] long, paniculate, with 6 to 8, widely spaced, spreading, slightly flexuous, loosely to 8 flowered branches, 40 to 60 flowered inflorescence.

Synonyms *Odontoglossum matangense Bockemühl 1986

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997 as Odontoglossum matangense; *Lindleyana Vol 16 No 2 2001; The Pictoral Encyclopedia of Oncidium Zelenko 2002 drawing fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 3 Dodson 2002 as Oncidium matangense photo fide; Orchid Species Culture: Oncidium/Odontoglossum alliance Bakers 2006; Flora of Ecuador No 87 225[3] Orchidaceae Dodson & Luer 2010 drawing fide; Orquideas de Zamora Chinchipe Tomo 1 Epidendroideae I Jimenenz 2014 photo fide;

