Cyrtochilum portillae Königer 1995 Photo by © Steven Beckendorf

Type Drawing Drawing by © Koniger and The Epidendra Website

Part shadeCoolCold Fall

Common Name or Meaning Portilla's Cyrtochilum [Ecuadorian Orchid Nurseryman current]

Flower Size 1.6" [4 cm]

Found in Ecuador at elevations around 1800 to 2000 meters as a large sized, cool to cold growing epiphyte with caespitose?, ovoid, subcompressed pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 1 to 2 leaf-bearing sheaths and carrying 2, apical, erect, narrowly ovate, acuminate, conduplicate below into the base leaf that blooms in the fall on an axillary, wiry, slender, 60" to 100" [1.5 to 2.5 meters] long, paniculate, with 6 to 8 widely spaced, short, loosely 2 to 3 flowered branches, many flowered inflorescence with conspicuous, involute-cucullate bracts.


References W3 Tropicos, The Pictoral Encyclopedia of Oncidium Zelenko 2002 as C mendax not drawing fide; Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 4 Dodson 2003 as Oncidium mendax not drawing fide; Flora of Ecuador No 87 225[3] Orchidaceae Dodson & Luer 2010 as C mendax drawing fide; Flora of Ecuador No 87 225[3] Orchidaceae Dodson & Luer 2010 drawing not = C mendax
