Cyrtopodium glutiniferum Raddi. 1823
Photo by © Sylvio Rodrigues Pereira © and his Filckr Orchid Photo Websita
Photo by © Dalton Holland Baptista © and Maria Rita Cabral Orchidstudium
Plant and Inflorescence in situ Surinam
Photos by © Charles Frensdorf
Common Name The Glue Carrying Cyrtopodium
Flower Size 1.4" [3.5 cm]
Found in Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Surinam and Brazil on granite rocks and rarely in savannahs at elevations of 10 to 350 meters as a large to giant sized, hot growing litho-terrestrial with fusiform pseudobulbs carrying 8 to 12, plicate leaves that blooms in the late winter and early spring on a paniculate, 36 to 64" [90 to 160 cm] long, many flowered inflorescence .
A paste similar to Mucilage is made for bookbinding by extracting the juices from the pseudobulbs.
Synonyms Cyrtopodium andersonii fo. holmesii Hoehne 1938; Cyrtopodium andersonii var. cardiochilum (Lindl.) Cogn. 1901; Cyrtopodium cardiochilum Lindl.1849; Cyrtopodium engelii Karst 1859; Cyrtopodium godseffianum auct. 1894;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flora Brasilica Vol XII VI Hoehne 1942 as C andersonii var holmesii drawing ok; Flora Brasilica Vol XII VI Hoehne 1942 as C cardiochilum drawing fide; Venezuelan Orchids Illustrated Vol 1 Dunsterville and Garay 1959 as C engelii not = C andersonii; Flora de Venezuela Volumen 15 Parte 4 Foldats 1970 as C engelii; Orchidaceae Brasilenses Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 as C cardiochilum drawing good; Orchids of Venezuela, Illustrated Vol 6 Dunsterville & Garay 1976 not = C andersonii; Orchids of Venezuela, An Illustrated Field Guide Vol 1 Dunsterville & Garay 1979 drawing not = C andersonii; AOS Bulletin Vol 49 No 3 1980 photo fide; The Orchids of Surinam Werkhoven 1986 photo ok; AOS Bulletin Vol 60 No 5 1991 photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1B lieferung 25 1520 - 1584 Brieger 1991 as C cardiochilum; Schlechteriana Vol 4 No 3 1993; AOS Bulletin Vol 62 No 10 1993 postage stamp fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 64 No 3 1995 as C cardiochilum photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 65 No 6 1996 as C cardiochilum photo fide; The Organ Mountain Range Its History and its orchids Miller, Warren, Miller and Seehawer 2008 drawing/photo ok; Historia do Patrimonio Natural do Espirito Santo Orquideas Freitas Machado 2008 as C cardiochilum; Orchidees du Bresil As Orquideas sa Serra do Castelo Espirito Santo Brasil Vol 3 Chiron & Bolsanello 2013 photo/drawing fide; Of Mice and Men Part 1 Jenny 2015 drawing/photo fide; Orchids, A Colombian Treasure Vol 1 Ortiz & Uribe 2014 drawing/photo fide