Cyrtopodium willmorei Knowles & Westc. 1837 Drawing by © Dalton Holland Baptista
Common Name Willmore's Cyrtopodium
Flower Size 1.08" [2.7 cm]
Found in Trinidad and Venezuela at elevations below 200 meters as a medium sized, hot growing terrestrial with fusiform, subcylindrical pseudobulbs carrying several, linear, acute, plicate, prominently nerved, alternate leaves that blooms in the later spring on a basal, erect, peduncle enveloped by cyllinrical, lanceoalte, acute sheaths, paniculate, manyflowered inflorescence carrying resupinate flowers.
"This species is similar to Cyrtopodium paniculatum. According to Romero-González and Fernádez-Concha (1999) it is probably conspecific with C. macrobulbon. The following comment by Lindley (1841,sub tabula), “C. wilmorei of the Flora Cabinet (sic) is nothing but C. punctatum ill flowered…,” is not tenable". ROMERO-GONZÁLEZ ET AL. Vol. 13, No. 1 2008
Synonyms Cyrtopodium bradei Schltr. ex Hoehne 1942
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Acta Bot. Venez. v.32 n.1 Caracas jun. Carlos Leopardi, José Véliz y Luis José Cumana 2009 Drawing fide