Cyrtorchis ringens (Rchb.f.) Summerh. 1958 SECTION Homocolleticon Summerh.

Plant in situ Zimbabwe

Photos by Bart Wursten ©, and his Flora Of Zimbabwe WebSite

Fragrance Part Shade Hot Cool Spring and Fall

Common Name The Stiff Cyrtorchis

Flower Size 1" [2.5 cm]

Found in Ghana, Ivory Coast, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Burundi, Cameroon, Gabon, Gulf of Guinea Islands, Rwanda, Zaire, Tanzania, Uganda, Angola, Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe in submontane to riverine forests at elevations of sea level to 1900 meters as a small sized, hot to cool growing epiphyte with a woody stem carrying 6 to 10, 2 ranked, broadly ligulate, apically bilobed, v-shaped basally and flat towards the apex, leathery, olive green leaves that blooms in the spring and fall on an axillary to below the leaves, 1.6 to 3" [4 to 7.5 cm] long, 12 flowered, racemose inflorescence with brown bracts and carrying fragrant flowers.

Synonyms Angraecum bistortum Rolfe 1893; Angraecum bucholzianum Kraenzl. 1886; Angraecum ringens (Rchb.f.) N.E.Br. 1882; Cyrtorchis belloneorum Chiron 2001; Cyrtorchis bistorta (Rolfe) Schltr. 1918; Cyrtorchis buchholziana (Kraenzl.) Schltr. 1918; Cyrtorchis hookeri (Rolfe) Schltr. 1918; Homocolleticon ringens (Rchb.f.) Szlach. & Olszewski 2001; Listrostachys bistorta (Rolfe) Rolfe 1897; Listrostachys bucholziana (Kraenzl.) T.Durand & Schinz 1895; Listrostachys hookeri Rolfe 1897; Listrostachys ignoti Kraenzl. 1914; *Listrostachys ringens Rchb.f. 1878

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Orchids of East Africa Piers 1968 photo good; The Epiphytic Orchids of Malawi Morris 1970; Malawi Orchids Vol 1 La Croix 1983 drawing fide; Flora of Tropical East Africa Orchidaceae Part 3 Cribb 1989; AOS Bulletin Vol 32 No 10 1963 as C bistorta; African Orchids in the wild and cultivation LaCroix 1997 drawing/photo good; Flora Zambesiaca Vol 11 Orchidaceae Part 2 Pope 1998; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 42 - 43 pg 2626 - 2762 Brieger 2001 as C belloneorum; Les Orchidees de Cote d'Ivorie Perez-Vera 2003 photo/drawing fide; Angraecoid Orchids Stewart, Hermans and Campbell 2006 photo fide; Phytotaxa 267 (3) 173 Droissat & Azandi 2016; AOS Bulletin Vol 87 #1 2018 photo fide;
