Cyrtochilum plicigerum (Rchb.f.) Kraenzl. 1917 SECTION Cimiciferum Lindl. Photo by Stig Dalström

Part shade Cold LATESpring

Common Name The Fold Carrying Cyrtochilum [refers to the lip]

Flower Size .8" [2 cm]

Found in Tungurahua Ecuador in wet cloud forests at elevations around 2000 to 2400 meters as a small to medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with ovoid, weakly ancipitous pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 4 to 6 distichous sheaths and carrying a single, apical, conduplicate, elliptic, acute to weakly acuminate, subpetiolate base leaf that blooms in the late spring on an axillary, arching to subpendent, to 36" [80 cm] long, paniculate, rachis to 23" [53 cm] long, distantly branched, branches rather short, side branches loosely 2 to 8 flowered, many flowered inflorescence with adpressed, scale-like floral bracts and carrying subcampanulate flowers. . color=purple>Synonyms Dasyglossum plicigerum (Rchb.f.) Königer & Schildh. 1994; Odontoglossum plicigerum (Rchb.f.) Garay 1970; *Oncidium plicigerum Rchb.f. 1873; Trigonochilum plicigerum (Rchb.f.) Senghas 2003

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Das Pflanzenreich Odontoglossum/Oncidium Kranzlin 1922; Flora of Ecuador No 87 225[3] Orchidaceae Dodson & Luer 2010 drawing fide

