Cyrtochilum sigchae (Königer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014 SECTION Cimicifera Lindley Photo by © Guido Deburghgraeve and his Flickr Orchid Photo Website

Another Flower Photo by © Stig Dalström

TYPE Drawing Drawing by © Koniger and The Epidendra Website

Common Name Sigcha Cyrtochilum [Ecuadorian, Cesar Sigcha Herrera of Quito, Ecuador, who discovered the species current]

Flower Size 1/2" [1.25 cm]

Found in Ecuador without locality as a small sized epiphyte with a short, but slightly ascending rhizome giving rise to narrowly ovate, laterally compressed pseudobulbs enveloped absally by 2 to 3 pairs of sheaths and carrying a single apical, lanceolate, plicate towards the base, leaf that blooms in the winteron an axillary, erect, arcuate towards the apex, peduncle shorter than the rachsi, paniculate, usually single branched, the branch ascending, 3 to 4 flowered, the upper part racemose, several flowered inflorescence with close floral bracts and flowers that open sequentially from the bottom up. color=purple>Synonyms *Trigonochilum sigchae Königer 2011

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; The Epidendra Website *Arcula 21: 461. Koniger 2011 drawing fide.

