Cyrtochilum tricorne Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2012 SECTION Cimicifera Lindley

Another Angle

Photos by © Stig Dalström


Common Name The Three Horned Cyrtochilum

Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]

Found in Cusco department of Peru at elevations of 2000 to 2700 meters as a medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with caespitose, ovoid pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 6 to 8 distichous sheaths and carrying 2 apical, erect, elliptic to obovate, narrowly acute to aacuminate apically, conduplicate below into the subpetiolate base leaves that blooms in the late spring on 1 to 2, axillary, erecct to arching, panicle to 52" [130 cm] long, many, widely spaced, alnost striaght to flexuous, 3 to 6 flowered side branches, many flowered inflorescence with adpressed, scale like, ventrally pubescent floral bracts and carrying stellate flowers with deflexed segments.

Similar to C cimiciferum but differs from both most in the distinct, three horned apex of the column, but also in the much smaller floral bracts and the pandurate lip.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Lankesteriana 12: 151 Dalström & Ruíz Pérez 2012 Drawing fide; LANKESTERIANA 14(1) 2014
