Cyrtochilum violaceum Dalström 2012 SECTION Eucyrtochilum Kranzlin

TYPE Drawing by © Dalstrom


Common Name The Violet Cyrtochilum

Flower Size 1.6" [4 cm]

Found in Magdalena department of Colombia at elevations around 2700 meters as a medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with caespitose to creeping, bracteate rhizome giving rise to ovoid pseudobulbs enveloped basally by 7 to 8, distichous, uppermost folicaeous sheaths and carrying 2, apical, conduplicate, elliptic to slightly obovate, narrowly acute, subpetiolate base leaves that blooms in the later summer on an axillary, arising through the uppermost sheath, erect to arching, loosely flexuous, paniculate, with 3 to 7, widely spaced, flexuous, 2 to 6 flowered side branches, to 28" [70 cm] long overall, several flowered inflorescence with s large and conspicous, involute and cucullate, shorter than the ovary floral bracts.

"Cyrtochilum violaceum is distinguished from other Cyrtochilum species by the violet color of the sepals and petals, in combination with a pandurate lip lamina with a large and protruding nose-like central callus keel, which is similar to the not closely related Oncidium mantense Dodson & R.Estrada. Cyrtochilum violaceum differs from the similarly colored and closely related Cyrtochilum undulatum Kunth [syn: C. orgyale (Rchb.f. & Warsc.) Kraenzl.] by the pandurate lip lamina, the cleft and distinct frontal angles of the stout column, and the pair of digitate or narrowly clavate wings on each side below the stigmatic surface, versus a triangular lip lamina, and a more slender and sigmoid column of the latter species with short angular knobs only, or without wings altogether." Dalstrom 2012


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Lankesteriana 12[3]: 143-145 Dalstrom 2012 drawing/photo fide

