Elleanthus koehleri Schltr. 1912 SUBGENUS Ottophora [Garay] Szach & Dudek.
Drawing by © Bennett & Christenson
Common Name Koehler's Elleanthus
Flower Size .2" [5 mm]
Found in San Martin department of Peru in wet mntane forests at elevations around 2200 meters as a medium sized, cold growing epiphyte with slender, leafless in lower 1/3, leafy above stems carrying several, narrowly lanceolate, acute, thin leaves that blooms in the late fall and earlt winter on a terminal, congested, subcapitate, 4 to 7 flowered inflorescence with shorter than the flowers floral bractsand carrying tubular flowers with white tinged pale green sepals, the petals arepale cream yellow with glistening orange margins and the lip basally is transluscent pale yellow with 2 white waxy calli and from the middle outward are glistening orange.
"Similar to E blatteus but differs in the glabrous ovary with a flabellate to suborbicular to semilunate lip with the posterior margins entire and the anterior margins fimbriate sparsely E koehleri has a sparsely lepidote ovary and the transversely reniform lip with grossly lacerate-fimbriate margins." Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. Beih. 9: 45 Peru Schlechter 1921;
Flora Brasilica Vol XII II 13-43 Hoehne 1945;
Orchids of Peru Vol 1 Schweinfurth 1958;
Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 231 Bennett & Christenson 1995 drawing fide;
LANKESTERIANA 19(2).125 - 193 Ossenbach & Jenny 2019 collection sheet fide