Encyclia tarumana Schltr. 1925
Photos by Copyright © Fred Williams
Common Name The Tarumana Encyclia [A town in Amazonas State Brazil]
Flower Size 1.6" [4 cm]
Found in northwestern Brazil near the Colombian and Peruvian border in low forests with sandy ground [campinas] at elevations of 50 to 200 meters as a medium to large sized, hot growing epiphyte with 1"+ spaced, narrowly pear-shaped pseudobulbs carrying 2 apical, erect, narrowly linear, leathery, subacute leaves that blooms in the spring to early summer on a terminal, few branched, 10 to 17 flowered, smooth inflorescence
Similar to and often cited as s synonym of E mapuerae but I have left them separate pending better references.
Synonyms *Epidendrum tarumanum (Schltr.) A.D.Hawkes 1957
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
Beih. Bot. Centralbl. 42(2): 106 Schlechter 1925
Orquídea (Rio de Janeiro) 18: 178 A D Hawkes 1957 as Epidendrum tarumana
Orchidaceae Brasilenses Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing good;
The Cattleyas and Their Relatives Vol VI Withner 2000 photo fide;
Icones Orchidacearum Brasilenses Vol I Plate 074 Castro & Campacci 2000 drawing hmm;
Coletanea de Orquideas Brasileiras 1 Encyclias Campacci 2003 photo ok;
Orchids of French Guiana Szlachetko, Veyret etal 2014 drawing/photo fide;
Materials to the Orchid Flora of Colombia Vol IV:432 Szlatchetko & Kolanowska 2023 drawing fide;