Epidendrum angustilobopaniculatum Hagsater & Dodson 2001 GROUP Pseudepidendrum SUBGROUP Paniculatum

TYPE Drawing by © Jimenez, Hágsater & Dodson and The AMO Herbario Website

Common Name The Narrow Lobed Paniculatum Epidendrum

Flower Size .8" [2 cm]

Found in Ecuador at elevations around 1600 meters as a large sized, cool growing epiphyte with simple, cane-like, terete, erect stems carrying 8 to 9, alternate, on the upper 1/3 of the stem, elliptic, acuminate, entire marginally, articulate below into the base leaves that blooms in the fall on a terminal, paniculate, erect, occuring only once, 9.6" [24 cm] long, to 60 flowered inflorescence arising on a mature stem, with basal, triangular, acuminate bracts and much shorter than the ovary, triangular, acute floral bracts and carrying simultaneously opening, resupinate flowers without color data.

"Epidendrum angustilobopaniculatum belongs to GROUP Pseudepidendrum SUBGROUP Paniculatum Characterized by the caespitose habit with cane-like stems carrying acute to acuminate leaves usually booming on an apical inflorescence and carrying flowers with filiform petals, and a usually 3 lobed lip with 3 parallel fleshy keels, with the apical lobe often bifurcate and the "bird wing" type pollina. The species is recognized by the very slender, delicate flowers, the basal lobes of the lip forming an anchor-shaped structure, and the apical lobes divaricate and narrowly rectangular and truncate; there is no record of the color. It grows near Epidendrum peraltum Schltr. found at higher altitudes which is very similar vegetatively but has much larger flowers, with wider and larger, retrorse, lateral lobes of the lip, the column .48" [12 mm] long and the sepals .56 to .76" [14 to 19 mm] long." Hagsater etal 2001

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Icones Orchidacearum 4 plate 410 Hagsater & Sanchez 2001 drawing fide; Icones Orchidacearum 13 Plate 1339 Hagsater & Dodson 2010 See Recognition section;
