Epidendrum binasum Hágsater & E.Santiago 2020 GROUP Diothonea SUBGROUP Diothonea

TYPE Drawing by R. Jiménez M. and The AMO Herbario Website

Common Name The 2 Nosed Epidendrum [in reference to the two very prominent keels of the lip which are nose-shaped when seen from the side.]

Flower Size .6" [1.5 cm]

Found in Antioquia department of Colombia at elevations around 2500 meters above Medellín in forest relics as a miniature sized, cold growing epiphyte with branching stems , the branches produced from apical internodes of the previous branches, cane-like, terete, thin, base covered by tubular, non-foliar, scarious sheaths and carrying 3 to 6, distributed along the apical 2/3 of the stems, alternate, sub-spreading from the stem, sub-coriaceous, unequal in size, the lower ones smaller; sheaths tubular, minutely striated; blade linear-lanceolate, apex obtuse, unequally bilobed, minutely apiculate, margin entire, spreading leaves that blooms in the late spring on a terminal, without a spathe, peduncle .16" [0.4 cm] long, terete, thin, straight, without bracts; rachis 1.24 to 1.84" [3.1 to 4.6 cm] long, slightly flexuous, 1.4 to 2" [3.5 to 5.0 cm] long overall, apical, racemose, slightly arching, lax, successively few, to 12 flowered inflorescence with much shorter than the ovary, narrowly triangular, acuminate, embracing floral bracts and carrying creamy pink flowers with the fragrance not registered.

"Epidendrum binasum belongs to the GROUP Diothonea SUBGROUP Diothonea which is characterized by the branching plants, the linear-lanceolate to oblong, bilobed leaves, the racemose, arching-nutant inflorescence, the membranaceous flowers (rarely fleshy), the entire to 3-lobed, ecallose lip with the margin erose without or with 1 to 10 thin, smooth to erose keels, the column completely to obliquely united to the lip, and the anther reniform. The new species is recognized by the thin stems and narrow linear-lanceolate leaves .48 to 1.88" x .08 to .16" [1.2 to 4.7 x 0.2 to 0.4 cm], the lax-flowered inflorescence with a flexuous rachis, 12 to 13 creamy pink colored flowers, sepals .352 to .376" [8.8 to 9.4 mm] long, elliptic to oblong-elliptic, apex obtuse, the lip 3-lobed with the margin short ciliate, the disc with two prominent laminar, triangular, noselike keels, and the column only partly and obliquely united to the lip. Epidendrum tropinectarium is vegetatively similar but the flowers are pale pink or brown-pink, sepals .426 to .456" [10.6 to 11.4 mm] long, oblanceolate to narrowly elliptic (the lateral sepals), apex acute to acuminate, the lip 3-lobed with the margin dentate, the disc with 2 short, thin, keels adnate at the base, and the column totally united to the lip. Epidendrum dodsonii Hágsater & E. Santiago has longer leaves, 2.2 to 4.64" [5.5 to 11.6 cm] long, a rachis of the inflorescence straight, flowers cream or creamy brown colored, sepals .28 to .304" [7.0 to 7.6 mm] long, petals .268 x .08" [6.7 x 2.0 mm], narrowly ovate, the margin of the lip biserrate, and the disc with 5 narrow keels. Epidendrum yarumalense Hágsater & E. Santiago has shorter plants, to 8" [20 cm] tall, leaves lanceolate, inflorescences 1.2" [3 cm] long with 7 to 9 green flowers tinged red, sepals .32 to .48" [8 to 12 mm] long, the lip with the margin dentate, and the disc with 4 to 5 low keels."Hagsater etal 2020


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Icones Orchidacearum 17(2) Plate 1759 Hagsater & Jimenez 2020 Drawing fide;
