Habenaria longiracema Fukuy. 1935
Photos by © Kuo-Chu Yueh and his Flickr Orchid Photo Page
Photo courtesy of © The Taiwan Biodiversity Information Portal Website
Common Name The Long Raceme Habenaria
Flower Size .28 to .36" [7 to 9 mm]
Found in central and southern Taiwan in deciduous forests in thickets, grasslands and roadside banks at elevations of 200 to 1500 meters as a medium sized [in bloom], hot to cool growing terrestrial with ellipsoid or fusiform tubers giving rise to a short, terete, leafy stem carrying 3 to5 closely arranged in a basal rosette, oblanceolate to oblong, pale green leaves that blooms in the later summer on an erect, terminal, long, slender, pale green, 12 to 22" [30 to 55 cm] long, laxly to densely 30 to 60 flowered inflorescence.
Synonyms Hetaeria taiwaniana S.S.Ying 1977; Peristylus longiracema (Fukuy.) K.Y.Lang 1987; Rhomboda taiwaniana (S.S.Ying) Ormerod 1995
References W3 Tropicos,Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
*Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 49: 758 Fukuy 1935;
Coloured Ill. Indig. Orchids Taiwan 1(2): 210 S S Ying 1977 as Hetaeria taiwaniana
Acta Phytotax. Sin. 25: 448 K.Y.Lang 1987 as Peristylus longiracema
Orchadian 11: 332 Ormerod 1995 as Rhomboda taiwaniana
The Wild Orchids of Taiwan Lin & Wang 2014 photo fide;