Hetaeria tetraptera (Rchb.f.) Summerh. 1934 Drawing by © Geerink

Full shade Hot Warm

Common Name The Four Winged Hetaeria

Flower Size

Found in Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon and Zaire in lowland forests as a small sized, hot to warm growing terrestrial with an erect stem carrying 3 to 7, all along the stem, glabrous, asymetrical, obliquely ovate to ellitpic, cuneate and petiolate below inthe base leaves that blooms on an erect, glandulose, several flowered inflorescence carrying non-resupinate flowers. .

Synonyms *Monochilus tetrapterus Rchb.f. 1881; Zeuxine batesii Rolfe 1897; Zeuxine tetraptera (Rchb.f.) T.Durand & Schinz, Consp. Fl. Afric. 5: 57 (1894

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Flore D'Afrique Centrale [Zaire- Rwands - Burundi] Orhidaceae Premeir parte Geerink 1984 drawing fide; Orchidaceae of West Central Africa Vol 1 Szlachetko etal 2010 drawing good;
