Jumellea dendrobioides Schltr. 1925

TYPE Collection Sheet by © H. Perrier de la Bāthie and The Museum National D'Histoire Naturelle Website

Common Name The Dendrobium-Like Jumellea

Flower Size .64" [1.6 cm] long

Found in northern Madagascar in dense humid forests at elevations of 1000 to 2000 meters as a medium sized, cool growing epiphyte with a cylindrical, densely leafy stem carrying linear-ligulate leaves that blooms in the summer on an axillary, shorter than the leaves, 2.4 to 3.2" [6 to 8 cm] long overall, peduncle .48 to .6" [12 to 15 mm] long, single flowered inflorescence with tubular, obtuse floral bracts


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; A la Recherche des Orchidees de Madagascar Hervouet 2018 as C tenuicalcar subsp onivensis photo fide;

