Lecanorchis amethystea Y.Sawa, Fukunaga & S.Sawa 2006
Plant and Flowers in situ Japan Photo by © Hisanori Takeuchi.
Common Name The Amethest Lecanorchis
Flower Size
A newly described leafless orchid found in Shikoku, Japan as a small sized, cold growing mycoheterotrophic terrestrial
This orchid is similar to L. nigricans Honda, but detailed morphological comparison supports its status as a new species. It is easily distinguished by the following combination of characters: 1) longer stem; 2) longer inflorescence and infructescence, because of longer internodes; 3) yellowish white, narrower sepals and petals; 4) 5-nerved and slightly 3-lobed labellum; 5) bright brown, ascending capsule; 6) column more than half fused with labellum; and 7) column basally pubescent
CAUTION I have no way of verifying this determination so please use with caution
References W3 Tropicos Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;