Lepanthes applanata Luer & Sijm 2002 SUBGENUS Lepanthes SECTION Lepanthes SUBSECTION Lepanthes SERIES Lepanthes

Photo by © Wiel Driessen and his Flickr Orchid Photo Website

Lip Detail

Side View of Flower

Photos by Bruno Larsen and his Flickr Orchid Photo Website

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © Carl Luer and Selbyana Webpage

Common Name or Meaning Flat Lepanthes [Refers to the flat lip]

Flower Size .12" [3 mm]

Found in Huanuco department of Peru as a mini-minaiture sized, cool growing epiphyte with slender, erect ramicauls enveloped by 6 to 7 ciliate lepanthiform sheaths and carrying a single, erect, coriaceous, narrowly ovate, acute, cuneate below intothe petialate base leaf that band blooms in the summer and fall on an erect, arising from behind the leaf, peduncle .2" [5 mm] long, cvongested, successively single, several flowered inflorescence with as long as the pedicel floral bracts.

"Characterized by a small, ovate, acute leaf borne by a slightly longer ramicaul. The raceme is short, borne behind the leaf, and successively few-flowered. The sepals are broadly ovate, acute and glabrous. The petals are transversely bilobed with the anterior margins of the truncate, upper lobes in apposition. Borne above the column by elongated connectives, the blades of the lip are elliptical and flat with round ends. The appendix is small, oblong with a pubescent tip" Luer 2002


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; * Miscellaneous new Species in the Pleurothallidinae Selbyana Vol 23 # 2 pg 1 Luer 2002 drawing fide;
