Lepanthes pastorellii D.E.Benn. & Christenson 2001 SUBGENUS Lepanthes SECTION Lepanthes SUBSECTION Lepanthes SERIES Lepanthes

Another Angle

Photos by © Linda Lonis Orchideenforum Website

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by © Pastorelli, Bennett & Christenson

Full ShadeCold Spring

Common Name Pastorelli's Lepanthes [Peruvian Orchid Illustrator current]

Flower Size .12" [3 mm]

Found in Huanuco department of Peru in wet cloud forests on mossy branches at elevations around 2350 meters as a miniature to just small sized, cold growing epiphyte with erect, slender ramicauls enveloped by 4 to 6 glabrous, loose, infundibuliform sheaths carrying a single, apical, narrowly lanceolate, acuminate leaf taht blooms in the spring on several, , shortly pedunculate, filiform, arising on the back of the leaf, shorter than the leaf, to 1.6" [4 cm] long, successively single, sevedral flowered inflorescence with infundibuliform, obtuse, much shorter than the pedicel and carrying resupinate flowers with the hyaline dorsal sepal tinted pale green, and the midvein purple, the lateral sepals with pale green in the intervenal areas, the outer half of the petals crimson the rest bright yellow, the lip lateral lobes golden yellow with the margins light red, and the central lobe rose-pink.


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; *Icones Orchidacearum Peruviarum Plate 676 Bennett & Christenson 2001 Drawing fide;

