Malaxis greenwoodiana Salazar & Soto Arenas 1990
Drawing by © Eric Hagsater and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name Greenwood's Malaxis [American Orchid Enthusiast in Mexico current]
Flower Size .6 to .8" tall [1.5 to 2 cm] tall
Found in Oaxaca and Chiapas states of Mexico and Guatemala on road embankments in very wet rainforest edges at elevations of 1750 to 2150 meters as a small sized, cool to cold growing terrestrial with conical-ovoid, above the ground pseudobulbs enveloped in youth by a tubular sheath and carrying 2, apical, subopposite, ovate-elliptic, undulate to crenulate to entire margins, acuminate, abruptly narrowing intot he elongate, petiolate base leaves that blooms in the later summer on a terminal, thin, to 6" [to 15 cm] long, slightly winged, racemose, dense, subcorymbose, successively 10 to 25 flowered inflroescence withpatent, membraneous, transluscent, triangular-lanceolate to triangular-ovate, acuminate floral bracts and carrying non-resupinate flowers.
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI Icones Orchidacearum I Plate 58 Hagsater & Salazar 1990 drawing fide; Orchid Genera and Species in Guatemala Archila, Szlachchetko, Chiron, Lipinska, Mystkowska and Bertolini 2018