SUBGENUS Marsipanthes Luer 1986

SUBGENUS Marsipanthes SECTION Marsipanthes Luer 1986

A monotypic section that is characterized by a successively flowered raceme of large, inflated, flowers borne beyond the leaf by a slender, arching peduncle, The petals are erect and elongated and the lip is bilobed" Luer 1996

TYPE species for the SECTION

!Lepanthes ribes Luer 1976

  1. Lepanthes portillae Luer 1999 Ecuador

  2. !Lepanthes ribes Luer 1976 Colombia, Ecuador

  3. Lepanthes tulcanensis Baquero & Monteros 2020 Ecuador

SUBGENUS Marsipanthes SECTION Caprimulginae Luer 1986

"A monotypic section characterized by a successively flowered raceme of large inflated flowers borne beyond the leaf by a slender, arching peduncle. The petals are thick, short and transversely ovate. The lip is minute and broadly bilobed-ovate beneath the column." Luer 1996


Lepanthes caprimulgus Luer 1976 Ecuador, Peru

  1. Lepanthes caprimulgus Luer 1976

SUBGENUS Marsipanthes SECTION Felinae Luer 1986

Characterized by the successivley flowered raceme of showy flowers borne on top of the leaf near or beyond the apex of the leaf. The petals are erect, thick, fleshy and sometimes forked. The lip is bilobed with the lobes surrounding the column as often seen in the SUBGENUS Lepanthes." Luer 1996 SECTION TYPE

Lepanthes felis Luer & R. Escobar 1983

  1. Lepanthes carunculigera Rchb.f. 1886 Colombia

  2. Lepanthes equicalceolata Luer & R.Escobar 1993

  3. !Lepanthes felis Luer & R. Escobar 1983 Colombia

  4. Lepanthes lucifer Luer & Hirtz 1987 Ecuador

  5. Lepanthes niesseniae Luer 2003

  6. Lepanthes quadricornis Luer & R. Escobar 1994 Colombia
