Myoxanthus claudiana Uribe Vélez, Sauleda & Szlach. 2022 SUBGENUS Myoxanthus SECTION Antenella Luer 1992

LCDP Photo by © Carlos Uribe Velez and New World Orchid. Nomencl. Notes 108: 2 Uribe Vélez, Sauleda & Szlach. 2022

Common Name Claudia's Myoxanthus [Claudia Lorena Carmona of Pereira, Risaralda, Colombia owner and cultivator of the plant current]

Flower Size

Found in Antioquia department of Colombia in wet ropical forests at elevations of 2100 meters as a medium sized, cold growing, caespitose epiphyte with semi-erect ramicauls enveloped by loose, tubular sheaths and carrying semi-erect, thickly coriaceous, narrowly linear-lanceolate, acute, cuneate below ito the conduplicate base leaves that blooms in the spring on a short, arising through a papyraceous spathe at the apex of the ramicual, peduncle tomentose, to .32" [8 mm] long, successively single, few flowered inflorescence and carrying a fleshy, glabrous, reddish purple flower.

"Myoxanthus claudiana is similar to Myoxanthus hirsuticaulis (Ames & C. Schweinf.) Luer distinguished in having an obscurely lobed labellum vs unlobed with small lobules hinged beneath, free lateral sepals not strongly falcate vs connate strongly falcate petals, ovate in the lower third with fimbriate margin vs ovate in the lower half with denticulate margins and narrowed into terete, linear, distal half. Myoxanthus claudiana is also similar to the Ecuadorian Myoxanthus herzogii [Schlechter] Luer 1982 but differs in having an acute labellum apex vs rounded, labellum margins are fimbriate vs minutely denticulate, with single thick lamellae centrally vs a pair of low calli converging near the center, petals are lanceolate-triangular, thickened in the upper part with fimbriate margins, longer and denser near the middle vs petals ovate in the lower third, with erose margins, thickened and linear above, dorsal sepal sub-acute vs obtuse. Another species similar to M. claudiana is the Ecuadorian species, Myoxanthus ephelis (Luer) Luer but differs in having the margins of the labellum fimbriate vs erose, with a single raised lamellae in the center of the labellum vs a longitudinal pair of lamellae that meet in the midlobe, petals are ovate in the lower third with fimbriate margin vs ovate in the lower half with irregular margins." Uribe Vélez, Sauleda & Szlach. 2022


References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Pleurothallids Neotropical Jewels Vol 1 Karremans & Viera 2020 as Myoxanthus sp nov. Colombia SVU Pg 200 bottom right photo fide;

* New World Orchid. Nomencl. Notes 108: 2 Uribe Vélez, Sauleda & Szlach. 2022 Drawing/photo fide

