Oncidium enderianum hort. 1892 SECTION Crispa Photo by Eric Hunt, plant grown by Dan Newman Of Hanging Gardens
Different color form Photo by Luiz Filipe Varella
Common Name Ender's Oncidium [English Orchid Collector 1800's]
Flower Size 1.5 to 2.4" [3.8 to 6 cm]
Endemic to Brazil as a clump growing, small sized, warm to cool growing epiphyte with oblong to elliptic, slightly laterally compressed, longitudinally ridged, dull olive green pseudobulbs carrying a single, strap-shaped, leathery, obtuse leaf that blooms in the fall and winter on an erect to arching, many branched , 40" [1 meter] long, several [8 to 16] flowered inflorescence with showy, fragrant [lilacs] flowers.
This species does best mounted on tree fern.
The O crispum complex includes O praetextum, O curtum, O enderianum and O gravesianum and all are now referenced as synonyms of Oncidium crispum. I keep them separate as they have been well established as separate species for many years.
Synonyms Anettea enderiana (auct.) Szlach. & Mytnik 2006; Gomesa praetexta (Rchb.f.) M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams 2009;
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Das Pflanzanreich Regni Vegetabilis Conspectus Odontoglossum/Oncidium Kranzlin 1922; AOS Bulletin Vol 47 No 6 1978 drawing; Orchid Digest Vol 44 No 2 1980 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 49 No 6 1980; Orchid Digest Vol 44 No 4 1980 photo fide; Orchid Digest VOl 49 No 4 1985 photo fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 56 No 4 1987 photo fide; Orchids of the High Mountain Atlantic Rainforest in SE Brazil Warren & Miller 1994; Orchid Digest Vol 61 #3 1997 photo fide; Rudolf Schlechter Die Orchideen Band 1C lieferung 33 - 36 2057 - 2308 Brieger 1997; Oncidium Vol 1 Koniger photo/drawing as O praetextum; Orchid Species Culture: Oncidium, Bakers 2006; The Pictoral Encyclopedia of Oncidium Zelenko 2002; Orchids of Brazil Vol 1 Oncidinae Baptista, Harding & Neto 2011 as Brasilidium crispum photo fide