Phaius mishmensis Rchb. f. 1857

Photo by Eric Hunt

Another Flower

Photo by David Jubineau Copyright ©

Part shade WarmCool Fall

Common Name The Mishmi Hills Phaius [In northeastern India] - In Japan Hime-kaku-ran - In China Zi Hua He Ding Lan - In Thailand Kluai Mai Dong

Flower Size 1 3/4" to 2" [to 5 cm]

Found in China, Assam India, eastern Himalayas, Myanamar, Thailand, Laos, Vietnam, Philippines, Taiwan and the Ryukyus at elevations of 500 to 2000 meters in shady, humid habitats with rocky substrates and is a large sized, warm to cool growing, terrestrial with obscure pseudobulbous, fleshy, narrowly fusiform-cylindric pseudobulbs enveloped by basal sheaths and carrying 6 to 8, apical, plicate, alternate, elliptic-lanceolate to oblong-ovate, acuminate or acute leaves that blooms in the fall on a axillary, 12 to 24" [30 to 60 cm] long, racemose, laxly flowered, shorter or equal to leaf length inflorescence that has lanceolate, cauducous bracts and the flowers do not open fully.

Synonyms Calanthe crinita Gagnep. 1931; Calanthe ramosa Gagnep. 1951; *Limatodis mishmensis Lindl. & Paxton 1852-3; Phaius augustinianus Klotzsch 1856; Phaius crinita (Gagnep.) Seidenf. 1973; Phaius cupreus Rchb.f. 1855; Phaius gracilis Hayata 1911; Phaius mishmensis var. tonkinensis Aver. 1997 ; Phaius roseus Rolfe 1893

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Bonplandia Rchb.f 1855 as Phajus cupreus; A Century of Indian Orchids Vol 5 Hooker 1895 drawing fide; Orchids of Burma Grant 1895/1995 as P roseus; The Orchids of Sikkim-Himalaya Part 1 King & Pantling 1898 drawing 0k; AOS Bulletin Vol 27 No 10 1958 drawing; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1961 drawing ok; The Orchids of Thailand Seidenfaden & Smitinand 1965 corrections; Orchids of Southern Ryukyu Islands Garay & Sweet 1974; Indian Orchids, Guide to Identification and Culture Pradhan 1979; Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 15 881 - 944 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1984 as P crinita; Die Orchideen 3 Auflage Bd 1 Sonderabdruck aus Schlechter Lieferung 15 881 - 944 Brieger, Maatsch and Senghas 1984 as P cupreus; Orchidiana Philipiniana Vol 1 Valmayor 1984; The Manual Of Cultivated Orchid Species Bechtel, Cribb & Launert 1992 photo fide; Identification of the Orchids [Orchidaceae Juss.] Vietnam Averyanov 1994; The Orchids of Nagaland Deorani and Naithani 1995; The Wild Orchids of China Tsi, Chen & Mori 1997; Orchids of India A Glimpse Misra 2007; Native Orchids of China in Colour Singchi, Zhanhuo and Yibo 1999 photo fide; Orchids of Bhutan Pearce & Cribb 2002 drawing fide; Flora Malesiana Orchids of the Philippines Vol I Agoo, Shuiteman and de Vogel 2003; A field Guide to the Wild Orchids of Thailand Vaddhanaphuti 2005 photo hmm; A Field Guide to the Orchids of China Singchi, Zhongjian, Yibo, Xiaohua and Zhanhuo 2009 photo ok; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; Flora of China Vol 25 Illustrations Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2010 drawing fide; The Wild Orchids in Yunnan Xu Xiang Ye & Liu 2010 photos fide; AOS Bulletin Vol 84 #8 2015 photo fide; Atlas of Native Orchids of China Vol 2 Jin Xiaohua, Li Jianwu and Ye Deping 2019 photo fide;

