Platanthera hologlottis Maxim. 1859
Plant and Flowers in situ in Japanese lowland marsh
Photos by Takato NATSU from Japan and his Japan Orchids Page
Common Name The Lobeless Platanthera - in Japan Mizu-chidori - In China Mi Hua She Chun Lan
Flower Size .8" [2 cm]
Found in Eastern Siberia, China, Japan and Korea in forests on slopes and damp grasslands along valleys at elevations of 300 to 3200 meters as a medium to large sized, cold growing terrestrial with a tuberous, cylindric to ovoid rootstock giving rise to an erect stem with basal tubular sheaths and carrying 5 to 6, cauline, oblong-lanceolate, acute, basally clasping leaves that blooms in the late spring and early summer on an erect, 4 to 8" [10 to 20 cm] long, several flowered inflorescence with several foliaceous, lanceolate bracts and ovate-lanceolate, lower ones exceeding the ovary in length, acute apically floral bracts carrying fragrant flowers.
Synonyms Habenaria glossophora W.W.Sm.1921; Habenaria neuropetala Miq.1866; Limnorchis hologlottis (Maxim.) Nevski 1935; Platanthera glossophora (W.W.Sm.) Schltr. 1924; Platanthera hologlottis var. glossophora (W.W.Sm.) K.Inoue 1983; Platanthera neuropetala (Miq.) Franch. & Sav. 1877; Tulotis hologlottis (Maxim.) Efimov 2007
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ; Encyclopedia of Cultivated Orchids Hawkes 1965; Native Orchids From Gaoligongshan Mountains, China Xiaohua, Xiaodong and Xiaochun 2009; Flora of China Vol 25 Zhengyi, Raven & Deyuan 2009; Atlas of Native Orchids of China Vol 1 Jin Xiaohua, Li Jianwu and Ye Deping 2019 photo fide