Pleurothallis ellipsophylla L.O.Williams 1942 SUBGENUS Acianthera [Scheidw.] Luer 1986
Photo by © Tauchgurke and hisFlickr Orchid Photo Website
TYPE Drawing by © L O Williams and The Epidendra Website
Drawing by © Carl Luer and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name The Elliptical Leaf Pleurothallis
Flower Size .2" [5mm]
Found in Limon province of Costa Rica and Boca del Toro, Panama and San Blas provinces of Panama in wet forests at elevations of sea level to 350 meters meters as a small sized, hot growing epiphyte with erect, stout, terete ramicauls enveloped on the lower quarter by 2 to 3 tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, elliptical, subacute to obtuse, broadly cuneate below into the sessile base leaf that blooms in the late summer through winter on a distichous, arising through a spathe, .8 to 1.2" [2 to 3 cm] overall, rachis, .4 to .8" [1 to 2 cm] long, simultaneously several flowered inflorescence with as long as to shorter tha the ovary floral bracts.
"Characterized by a stout, creeping rhizome with terete ramicauls and elliptical, sessile leaves. The raceme is short and several flowered. The flowers are light green, the sepals are narrow , the petals ae narrow and acuminate and the lip is narrow and acute with low calli near the middle." Luer 2004
Synonyms Acianthera ellipsophylla (L.O.Williams) Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* L.O. Williams, Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 29(4): 344., pl. 33. f. 1-7. 1942
The Orchids of Panama L.O. Williams & P Allen 1946 drawing fide;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol III Systematics of Pleurothallis Luer 1986;
Lindleyana 16(4): 243. Pridgeon & M.W.Chase 2001 Acianthera ellipsophylla;
Manual de Plantas de Costa Rica Vol 3 Hammel, Grayum, Herrera and Zamora 2003;
Pleurothallids Neotropical Jewels Vol 1 Karremans & Viera 2020 as Acianthera ellipsophyllaphoto fide