Pleurothallis erectiflora [Luer] ined. SUBGENUS Crocodeilanthe [Rchb.f & Warsc.]Luer 1986

TYPE Drawing by Carl Luer

Common Name or Meaning The Erect Flower Pleurothallis [refers to flowers that point upwards]

Flower Size .4" [1 cm]

Found in Zamora-Chinchipe province of Ecuador without locational data as a small sized, caespitose epiphyte with stout, erect ramicauls enveloped by a long, loose tubular sheath below the middle and another at the base and carrying a single, erect, coriaceous, narrowly elliptical, cuneate below into the subsessile base leaf that blooms in the winter on a single, erect, peduncle 3.2" [8 cm] long, arising through a spathe 1.2 to 1.4" [3 to 3.5 cm] long, arising from the base of the leaf, rachis 8 to 8.4" [20 to 21 cm] long , simultaneously few flowered inflorescence, with as long as the pedicel floral bract and carrying flowers with white with yellow tipped sepals, white, membraneous petals and a thick, white with brown margins lip.

"The raceme, subtended by a conspicuous spathe, is loosely flowered and far exceeds the elliptical leaf. The flowers are small and held erect against the rachis. The sepals part above the middle to expose a villous inner surface and connve below the middle into a subglobose tube, the petals are large and membraneous and the lobes of the lip are erect and below the middle." Luer 2004

Synonyms Pleurothallis erectiflora Luer & Hirtz 2004 nom illeg [invalid because Published simultaneously with Crocodeilanthe erectiflora (Luer & Hirtz) Luer and alternative names are now not allowed.], Stelis erectiflora (Luer) J.M.H.Shaw 2014

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004 Nom illegal Drawing fide;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004 as Crocodielanthe erectiflora;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum XXVII Dryadella and Acronia section Marcophyllae-Fasciculatae Luer 2005 as Crocodielanthe erectiflora
