Pleurothallis erythrogramma Luer & Carnevali 1993 SUBGENUS Acianthera [Scheidw.] Luer 1986
Photo by © Ron Parsons
Drawing by © Carl Luer and The Swiss Orchid Foundation at the Jany Renz Herbaria Website
Common Name The Red Lined Pleurothallis [refers to the stripes on the synsepal]
Flower Size .2" [5 mm]
Found in Napo and Morona-Santiago provinces of eastern Ecuador and Amazonas department of northern Peru at elevations around 450 to 650 meters as a mini-miniature to miniature sized, hot to warm growing, shortly repent epiphyte with erect, sharply 3 winged, thickening towards the apex ramicauls enveloped by 2 to 3 thin, tubular sheaths at the base and carrying a single, spreading, coriaceous, broadly elliptical to suborbicular, obtuse, cordate below into the sessile base leaf that blooms in the winter and summer on a short, arising through a broad spathe at the leaf base, in a fascile of short, successive, single flowered inflorescence with shorter than the pedicel floral bracts.
"Allied to P casapensis but P erythrogramma only occurs at low elevations. It is closer allied to P discophylla but it has unstriped sepals and a spathulate lip. P erythrogramma is distinguished by the creeping rhizome, erect sharply triquetrous ramcauls, spreading suborbicular leaves and a relatively large, sigle, gaping flower. tThe erect dorsal sepals is long and narrow, the lateral sepals aer connate into an ovate, acute, yellowlamina that is prominently veined in red. The petals area minutely serrulate. The red lip is elliptical and denticulate." Luer 2004
Synonyms Acianthera erythrogramma (Luer & Carnevali) Luer 2004
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Novon 3: 160 Luer & Carnevali 1993 drawing fide;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Pleurothallis subgenus Acianthera and Three Allied subgenera, A Second Century of new Species of Stelis of Ecuador, Epibator, Ophidion and Zootrophion Luer 2004 as Acianthera erythrogramma;
Anales Jard. Bot. Madrid 75(1)e069: 13 2018 A taxonomic synopsis of Acianthera (Orchidaceae: Pleurothallidinae) in Peru, including two new species Damian, Chiron and Mitidieri 2018 as Acianthera erythrogramma;
Pleurothallids Neotropical Jewels Vol 1 Karremans & Viera 2020 as Acianthera erythrogramma photo fide