Pleurothallis hians Lindl. 1836 SUBGENUS Effusae Luer 2000
Drawing by G Chiron and Notes sur un groupe brésilien de Pabstiella (Pleurothallidinae, Orchidaceae) Chiron & Ximenes Bolsanello Richardiana X[2] Mars 2010
Photo by © Victor Silviera and The Orquideas da Mata Atlantica Website
Flower Closeup of What is sold as P hians
Photo by © Dalton Holland Baptista and Orchidstudium
Plant and Flowers of what is sold as P hians
Photo by Jay Pfahl.
Drawing by Helmut Seehawer
Common Name The Standing Open Pleurothallis
Flower Size .128" " [.32 cm]
Found in southeastern Brazil at elevations around 1100 meters as a miniature sized, cool growing, shortly repent epiphyte with erect, short, stiff ramicaul enveloped basally by 2 to 3 tubular sheaths and carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, ovate-lanceolate, acute, deep shiny green, distinctly keeled, gradually narrowing below into the petiolate base leaf that blooms in the late fall and early winter and again in the late spring and early summer on a fine, arising from the apex of the ramicaul, 3.6" [9 cm] long, racemose, successively 1 to 2, to 8 flowered inflorescence.
Synonyms Effusiella hians (Lindl.) Campacci 2011; Humboldtia hians (Lindl.) Kuntze 1891; Lepanthes gunningiana Barb.Rodr. 1881; Pabstiella hians (Lindl.) Luer 2007; Specklinia hians (Lindl.) Luer 2004; Stelis chasme Pridgeon & M.W. Chase 2002; Stelis gunningiana (Barb.Rodr.) ined.; Stelis hians (Lindl.) Pridgeon & M.W. Chase 2002
References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;
* Edwards's Bot. Reg. 21: t. 1797 Lindley 1835
Gen. Spec. Orchid. 2: 48 Barb Rodr. 1881 as Lepanthes gunningiana;
Revis. Gen. Pl. 2: 667 Kuntze 1891 as Humboltia hians
Orchidaceae Brasilensis Band 1 Pabst & Dungs 1975 drawing hmm;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol III Systematics of Pleurothallis Luer 1986;
Orchids of the High Mountain Atlantic Rainforest in SE Brazil Warren & Miller 1994 drawing/photo fide;
Lindleyana Vol 16 No 4:263 Pridgeon & Chase 2001 as Stelis hians;
Lindleyana 17[2]: 98 Pridgeon & Chase 2002 as Stelis chasme;
Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXIX A Third Century of Stelis of Ecuador Systematics of Apoda-Prorepentia Luer 2007 as Pabstiella hians;
The Organ Mountain Range Its History and Its Orchids Miller, Warren, Miller and Seehawer 2008 drawing fide;
Colet. Orquídeas Brasil. 9: 338 Camapcci 2011 as Effusiella hians