Pleurothallis tetroxys Luer 1989 SUBGENUS Scopula Luer 1986

Photo by Eric Hunt, Plant grown by OrchidMania

Side View of Flower

Photo by The Ecuagenera Website

TYPE Drawing

TYPE Drawing by Carl Luer

Common Name The Four Sharp Point Pleurothallis [refers to the narrow, pointed sepals and petals]

Flower Size 3/8" [1 cm]

Found in Nariño department of southern Colombia and northern Ecuador in wet forests at elevations of 700 to 1800 meters as a small sized, warm to cool growing, caespitose epiphyte with slender, erect ramicauls that have a tubular sheath below the middle and 2 others at the base carrying a single, apical, erect, coriaceous, narrowly elliptic-linear, acute, narrowly cuneate into the indistinctly petiolate base leaf that blooms in the winter on an erect-arching, subtended by a spathe at the apex of the leaf, a fascile of .2" [5 mm] long, successively single flowered inflorescence with shorter than the pedicel floral bracts.

"Distinguished by the brown flowers with acuminate, yellow apices of the sepals and petals. The lip is cuneate with a thin, erose, truncate, apical margin. The base is concave to accomodate the bulbous base of the essentially footless column. The "ball and socket articulaton" is reminiscent of that seen in the genus Barbosella." Luer 1989

Synonyms Colombiana tetroxys (Luer) Luer 2004

References W3 Tropicos, Kew Monocot list , IPNI ;

* Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol VI Systematics of Pleurothallis subgen Ancipita, Scopula and Trisetella Luer 1989

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol VI Systematics of Pleurothallis subgen Ancipita, Scopula and Trisetella Luer 1989 drawing fide; drawing fide;

Native Ecuadorian Orchids Vol 4 Dodson 2003 photo fide;

Icones Pleurothallidinarum Vol XXVI Luer 2004 as Colombiana tetroxys

